“Enriching the Lives of Individuals with
Developmental Disabilities"
Let's Talk: 1-208-233-6833
Particiant Safety
We are very committed to ensuring our participants' safety. We do this in multiple ways. We design community activities that focus on learning as well as safety. We train our staff in both first aid and CPR. Our staff receive over 21 hours of training that focus on topics such as: dignity, respect, and safety. Our treatment team spends numerous hours reviewing incidents on how we can prevent and fix problems so they don't happen again.
South Park, Inc. dba
Developmental Options
South Park, Inc. dba Developmental Options is a private non-profit corporation serving Southeast Idaho. The corporation currently operates three-eight bed Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities and provides personal support for individuals in their own homes. Today, the corporation supports over thirty individuals throughout Southeast Idaho.
Our Staff
Each employee at Developmental Options has to go through background checks and drug screenings. Each employee is required to spend 16 hours of training in what we have found to be the best Crisis intervention program in the country. Feel free to visit their page. www.mandtsystem.com. Our staff also receive training in the Heart Association's First Aid & CPR course and other components of best practice.